Monthly Ministry Guide

What's Coming Up?

Check out what is upcoming in our church this month

150 Year Celebration T-Shirt Sale

Get a T-Shirt to celebrate our 150 Year anniversary!
This year, our church is celebrating 150 years of God's faithfulness! Our Kids Ministry will be selling Comfort Color t-shirts to commemorate this special time in our church. Three color options are available! You can purchase a shirt through your Life Groups or through the link below.  Shirt sale ends July 31st!

Upward Sports

 Coming this Fall!
Registration is OPEN for our 2024 Flag Football and Cheer season. Please check the Upward Sports Facebook page for more updates!

Please register your child or sign up to volunteer at the buttons below!

Kids Camp 2024

July 8-12th in Mt. Vernon, GA
Please be in prayer for our Kids Ministry as our kids head off on Monday, July 8th for Kids Camp at Brewton-Parker College. Pray the Lord opens hearts and changes lives!

Honduras Missions Trip

July 13-20, 2024
Please also be in prayer for our Honduras Missions Team that will be going to Honduras this summer. Pray the Lord will open doors for the gospel to be shared and Christ to be exalted in Honduras!

Meet our new members.

New Members from the month of June.

Kenny, Traci, Sara Kate & Tripp Thompson
Joined June 9th

Steve and Eudie Travis
Joined June 23rd

every generation...
growing, reaching, teaching

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